
Every person has questions…

…and every person should be given the opportunity to ask questions, speak their mind, and discover faith. Alpha is a series of interactive meetings about the fundamental of the Christian faith. Here you can explore life and the Christian faith. In a relaxed atmosphere, you will hear exciting impulses and experience fellowship. At Alpha, every opinion counts and discussions take place in a friendly, honest and informal atmosphere.


Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for anyone who has questions about Christian faith and life. Whether you’re brand new to the faith, have been involved with it for a while, or are skeptical about it all, we’d love to meet you. All are welcome.

Discover life, faith, meaning

At Alpha you can ask your questions about faith and get to know God better.

Visit us

We would be happy to meet you. Our next meetings are:

2. April16. April7. May21. May

In the facilities of Hirschengraben Coworking
Hirschengraben 40, 6003 Lucerne

Is life a coincidence or does it have a deeper meaning?

Everyday life is full of banalities, sometimes surprises and also very important decisions. But what is the core of everyday life and what does the Christian faith have to say about it? We want everything life has to offer and seek meaning in relationships or in great jobs. We try to earn prestige, build dream houses and exciting hobbies. Nevertheless, an emptiness remains deep inside – we are hungry for meaning. Jesus says of himself: «I am the bread of life.» (John 6:35) When we are hungry for more from life, Jesus satisfies our spiritual hunger. A lasting relationship with God can fill the hunger within us. God can and wants to give us a lasting, loving relationship with Him. That is what life has more to offer.

Why is the Christian faith true, if it is true?

The Christian faith is based on circumstantial evidence. There is incredibly interesting historical evidence that Jesus lived and rose from the dead. For many, they allow no other conclusion than «there is a God». The evidence is found in historical writings outside the Bible and in the New Testament of the Bible. There are more than 25,000 written proofs that Jesus existed. So, there is no question that he lived and walked around in this world. The evidence gives ground and strength to faith, so that we can say we do not blindly believe.

Was Jesus more than just an extraordinary man? Was He really the Son of God?

We know that Jesus was absolutely human. He ate, He was tired, He slept, He was in pain, He died. There are many who say Jesus existed, but that He was only a man. Maybe He was a great religious leader, but He was definitely not the Son of God. What evidence is there that Jesus was more than simply a religious leader? What did He say about himself?

Here are three indications that Jesus was the Son of God: 

  • Jesus points to himself with His teaching. He says, «I am the way and the truth and the life.» (John 14:6) Materialism is not the way that brings fulfillment in life – I am. Jesus says the values that make life worth living, that’s me. 
  • Jesus puts himself on the same level as God with His words. For example, He says, «Your sins are forgiven.» (Mark 2:5)
  • Jesus also claims to be God’s Son.

He claims for himself to be God’s only Son (John 3:16). God who became man.

How to read the Bible?

The general opinion about the Bible is: It is totally boring, extremely old and has nothing to say for today. But what is so special about the Bible? As the most translated and best-selling book in the world, it is incredibly popular. The past and present show that the Bible has the power to change people’s lives. From the first page of the Bible to the last, we see a common thread. Augustine, a Roman bishop, said, «The Bible does nothing but talk about God’s love for us.» It is written for anyone seeking faith and for Christians. It is a manual for life, so to speak. People find in it, for example, joy and peace in the midst of storms (Psalm 23:4), guidance for their lives (Psalm 119:105) as well as healing and health (Proverbs 4:20-22). It helps if we choose a quiet moment to read the Bible. We can ask God to speak to us through what we read. Then we read a short Bible passage and ask ourselves questions like: What does the passage say? How can we apply it practically?

What is the importance of the church?

We can go to church, but it is not a building, a museum, or an event. But what is church then? Church is a diverse group of people thrown together in search of the only perfect man who ever lived – Jesus. The church stands for friends. It is a great privilege to be a Christian, a friend of Jesus. But Jesus also leads us into relationship with each other. Moreover, the church is not an organization we join, it is a family we belong to. The church is about love. God has sent his infinite love in our direction because He loves us. Unreservedly, sincerely and forever.

Who is Church Alive?

We are a Christian church with three locations, and we love to get together. It is our desire that Church Alive becomes a place where you can experience God in a new way. Whether that be in worship, in one of our connect groups, or at Kids Alive. At Church Alive you can experience love and genuine community. Church Alive started over 20 years ago in Aarau. Since then, we have added a location in Zurich and in Luzern we are building a new church as a start-up.

Contact us

Let us know how we can help you.
We look forward to hearing from you. 

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